Friday, June 25, 2010

my very awesome saturday

Ny surprised me to Tsi Lai Temple in Hacienda Heights! I've always wanted to that temple, but never knew Ny actually paid enough attention to take me there lol.
well, the temple was huge! beautiful and very well maintained, very clean indeed. I was a bit upset that day because I dress somewhat inappropriately, I wore sandals to the temple and I was not allowed in the main shrine .. :( I didnt know. I didnt know Ny was gonna take me there.

Tsi Lai Temple is a Taiwanese Temple that practices Humanistic Buddhism. I dont know too much because I didnt read through enough, but I know that they follow the Linji Chan Buddhism, something I've learned in Buddhism last semester hehehe. anyway, another fact about Tsi Lai temple, they claim to be the largest Buddhist temple in the Western Hemisphere! how awesome is that???

my pictures dont do justice because we are obviously not professionals. beside, my camera lense is broken so I have no idea what I took until after I uploaded it

in front of the temple facing down

facing up/camera view

in the center of the temple, walking to the main shrine

you get the picture

looking down from the main shrine

their little pool with "gold" statue of gods

I just wanted a picture too

I seriously felt like I was in China

poem that I cant read

I dont know he posed like that lol

found this and a bunch of other little statues on the outside entrance

isnt he cute? little buddhist scholar I think

they're so adorable I just couldnt get enough haha

on our way out. it just too beautiful not to capture a picture

and then after the temple... I had to get Chinese food. $40 fish right there! its funny cus they waiter guy asked what did I want and I was " Can I get steam fish, please." he said, "what kind of fish?".. I responded "I dont know.." lol and so he list a bunch of fish for me. the only fish that I recognized was red fish and that was I ordered. I expected it to be around $20 for the dish, but damn! $40 for a plate of steam fish. thats my lesson, next time I should know exactly what I wanted and the price before ordering lol.

my day went well. so worth it! Ny drove around back and forth without complaining. I felt like it was my birthday hehehe

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