Monday, May 24, 2010

the weekends

I dont even know where to start. I have so many pictures to post ,and again, the more pictures I have the more anxious I am to post without having to say anything about it.
well, let me just put everything in chronological order. I went to a niece, Kaylani's 1st birthday party on saturday. yes, it is a cambodian birthday party. and oh how I love it! there were so much food! and they're awesome! I havent enjoy these kinds of food for awhile and I was ecstatic! seems like they serve everything I like lol. my favorite gotta be the "plea", something beef, lemon grass, and minced up mint and greens. Im not even sure whats in it, but its my favorite.

so after the party we met some of our kl friends. they came down all the way from up north so I gotta make sure I get to hang out with them, even if its only for couple hours. I enjoyed their company even though it was short meeting :)
anyway, even though it was really windy on sunday, I still asked Ny to go to the beach. and the beach we went lol. I specifically picked redondo beach cus I love their shrimp fajitas there. I love how the foods at the pier are so freaken fresh! if you ever had fresh seafood then you'll know what I am talking about. its like a whole new level of good food! even if you usually dont enjoy seafood, you'll appreciate the freshness of the stuff they catch. aside from all that walking under the windy afternoon, I went ahead and got on a ride that pretty much fcked up my day. It was fun, no regrets, but I got dizzy for the rest of the day. it wasnt too bad though, at least I get to do what I wanted :D

oh yea, if not all, most of the pics will be pics of me. its not my fault, this is my blog :p
Kaylani and her auntie. we're not really related, but Ny considered her dad as his cousin so I am her auntie <3
Narry and me. she and I love to take pics together hehe. Im actually shorter than Narry, but my heels are pretty high that day
Dany, narry, Rina
my korean superstar

I always had to force him to take picture

didnt know we had matching shoes <3
my sunday lunch with kl peeps
Rina and Linda. we werent posing for the car, but there was no other food place to stand
kl peeps <3
I look hella short next to Linda, cus I am!
Redondo Beach Pier

huh?? I didnt steal that drink!
It was pretty cold
the shrimps that I was craving for! but no bread, damn...
and windy...

and yea, thats all. I cant wait til summer! I really wanna walk around the beach eating ice cream while wearing tube top. I wanna look horribly tanned and sweaty lol. that never happened though, only horribly sweaty and messed up makeup -_-

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

cut my own bangs and regret it

thats what happened when you try to cut your own bangs. most of of the time it comes out a little funny. I know it looks alright, but not exactly how I wanted. I think it looks too cute on me. I wasnt trying to go for the cute look nor trying to look super asian, I wanted a more edgy look. anyway, I guess I kinda have to endure this til it grows out. I've been trying to fix it but it only gotten worse. the good news is that my hair grow quite fast, especially my bangs. as for now Im just gonna put it in a bun. kinda tired of looking the same, too, actually. I've always had this kind of bangs since as long as I can remember. I want something new, edgy, but more mature looking

anyways! finals almost over. I only have two more to go! kinda excited, yet mellow. I love all my classes this semester. Im gonna miss my very awesome professors :/
as of right now I have no plans for the summer. I cant wait for summer only cus I love the brightness and the heat of the day. Ny and I are planning to go to vegas, but we'll see how that goes. I've been spending too much money when we're not suppose to. damn me and my makeup! I cant resist! umm I think I should be studying right now. I went to class today feeling extremely guilty. everyone in my class were studying even with minutes left til the exam, and then there I was, sitting there playing with my phone. it would be alright if I did any studying at all, but I didnt! guilty guilty guilty. anyway, off to cooking

Friday, May 14, 2010

storm warriors 2

stayed up late and watched this movie last night. is it just me or this movie is just plain horrible?! Im a fan of kung fu action film, and this movie did not show any of it. they do have a lot of fight scenes, but heck, too much slow motions that got me bored very quickly. I have to admit though, the cg, the sound, the costumes, and the casting are pretty damn impressive. I love the casting a lot, actually. most of my favs actors are in it. I do, however, dislike seeing charlene choi's face. she wasnt that bad in the movie, but I think the movie would be just fine without her character. aside from that, everything else is just weak. it also reminds me too much of 300.
to be honest, I've never liked the first Storm Riders, but I gave this one a try because I saw too many actors I like in it. I love it when Nicholas Tse plays as a despicable character. I think he looks so sexy like that. That was also the only reason why I enjoy The Promise. anyway, what a waste of my night. I coulda went to sleep early instead of watching the movie. disappointed, but not surprised

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

going blind

I cant believe this is happening to me, but holy crap! my eyes are gradually getting blurry!!! I dont know what the problem is, but I cant see far distance anymore without having to squint. I will need glasses soon, glasses are not best for my face shape. I have this almost square-like shaped face and its very difficult to chose a frame that suits me. I already have a hard time finding normal sun glasses to go with my face shape let alone glasses that I have to wear religiously. contacts? no way, too lazy.
Im scared now, why does it seem like I have these health issues running my way? today I felt so weak that as soon I came home I crashed without caring to clean anything. My plan was to clean the room after work, but I couldnt even do that. I had this sharp pain in my head as if someone was poking it. am I just getting old drastically? .... *_*

Monday, May 10, 2010

heart pain

currently reading: zen teachings of master lin chi
I have to read this for my buddhism class, not out of pure pleasure

so anyway, yesterday I experienced a sudden urge of sore heart again. no, its nothing related with romance and all that stuff, my heartache just appeared out of the blue sometimes. sometimes it makes me wonder, maybe Im not gonna live that long. Im not sad nor depressed with this thought though, Im just a little worried with my love ones. what would they do? idk, I try not to think about it as much. I thought my heart problem was already cured ten years ago, but recently I experienced a pain from my heart and my entire left arm. it happened quite often now actually, and this happened periodically out of the blues, especially when I think about things that make me sad. Im afraid to go to the doctor, I dont want another heart surgery. I hate the freaken hospital. the hospital was like my second home when I was younger, no way will I go there again. ok Im sad now thinking about the hospital

Thursday, May 6, 2010

cinco de mayo

too lazy to write, this is what we did for cinco de mayo. it wasnt just for fun and entertainment, I actually had to go out and dance and write a report. enjoy more of my pics :p