Friday, April 30, 2010

just saving old blog

I copied this from my KL blog page because I figured I should keep this as a memory. Im going to delete all my KL blogs soon and this blog I have to save. this blog talks about how Ny proposed to me a year ago on February 14, 2009.


he proposed!!

sooo I am now an engaged woman hehe. and I am the happiest woman right now =), if thats not obvious already

yes, he proposed to me on Vday. I've always knew that he's the creative one in this relationship, but omg he did the most unexpected thing ever. he took me kayaking that day ( something I've always wanted to do for awhile), and at the same time he proposed to me right there hehe. totally got me off guard. while we were kayaking under some dingy bridge, I found something. I dont know whats it called but its one of those quarter ring ball thingy. anyway, I noticed there's a paper inside and I can read "ME". I was like oooh crap, is someone trying to get some help? I thought it said "HELP ME" hahaha. but then my bf asked me to pick it up and look at it. of course I hesitated to open it cause what if somebody was trying to play some prank on us or if someone was actually trying to get some help, I cant do it cause I cant swim. so anyway, I opened the box anyway and this is what I found.

funny me, I was like " ok... some guy just threw this in the wrong place. nobody's here but me and my bf" lol. soo my bf asked me to turned around and look at him (he sat behind me). and as I turned around he already got a ring out awwww Embarassed. I was so happy I couldnt kayak back to shore lol.

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