Friday, April 30, 2010

just saving old blog

I copied this from my KL blog page because I figured I should keep this as a memory. Im going to delete all my KL blogs soon and this blog I have to save. this blog talks about how Ny proposed to me a year ago on February 14, 2009.


he proposed!!

sooo I am now an engaged woman hehe. and I am the happiest woman right now =), if thats not obvious already

yes, he proposed to me on Vday. I've always knew that he's the creative one in this relationship, but omg he did the most unexpected thing ever. he took me kayaking that day ( something I've always wanted to do for awhile), and at the same time he proposed to me right there hehe. totally got me off guard. while we were kayaking under some dingy bridge, I found something. I dont know whats it called but its one of those quarter ring ball thingy. anyway, I noticed there's a paper inside and I can read "ME". I was like oooh crap, is someone trying to get some help? I thought it said "HELP ME" hahaha. but then my bf asked me to pick it up and look at it. of course I hesitated to open it cause what if somebody was trying to play some prank on us or if someone was actually trying to get some help, I cant do it cause I cant swim. so anyway, I opened the box anyway and this is what I found.

funny me, I was like " ok... some guy just threw this in the wrong place. nobody's here but me and my bf" lol. soo my bf asked me to turned around and look at him (he sat behind me). and as I turned around he already got a ring out awwww Embarassed. I was so happy I couldnt kayak back to shore lol.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

salsa party at csulb!

It was soo much fun! I still have a difficult time doing salsa, but dont even talk about Ny. he doesnt know what he was doing lol! I brought two of my girlfriends to the party as well, and Cina brought her bf =D. the reason I invited Ny even though hes my husband! is because I wanted him to know what I was doing in class. I love salsa class and I want him to get a taste of it, otherwise it would be just as fun going just us girls. I know there are plenty of guys that wanted to dance with us :D.. anyway, we danced the night away. our instructor wasnt just playing salsa, he played a bunch of line dance, tango, ballroom dance, jazz, cha cha cha, and some other techniques that I have no idea what to call it. it was awesome, i'll do it again!

alice and narry

just posing

lol! this is what u call salsa?! haha

in the hallway. spike, cina, Ny, me, and narry

I thought spike would know how to salsa cus hes hispanic lol! very judgmental of me

Sunday, April 11, 2010

cambodian new year 2010

so... my dad decided to go to el dorado park this year again. I wasnt really impressed with the event, it was somewhat boring. the food was okay, actually. I really liked my bok-la-hong cus it was the way I like it; extra spicy with crazy pahok. anyway, here are some pics I took. of course the pics consisted of mostly me cause it is my camera! haha

family pic. mom is in cambodia at the moment so there are only 4 of us. Ny is the camera man so he couldnt be in the pic.

I dont quite understand this, but it is our tradition to pray, give charity, and stick in incents onto the sand

oh, did I mention that my dad likes taking picture too?

very bad picture of me, but I like the scenery

brace face!

not that many people at the park

the center of it all, kinda

I didnt donate x_x


found my friends along the way

I dont know why we were matching lol

I love this bok-la-hong!

just another candid pic with my siblings

Ny cant take pic. most of my pics are bad!! and yes, brace face

missha cosmetics

so I ordered a bunch of stuff from missha online. I know there's a store in rowland heights, but thats really out of my way. theres one recently just closed down in alhambra and darn, I really wanna smack myself for never even step a foot inside.
missha is a korean makeup brand that is equivalent to american drugstore makeup, but holy cow! their makeup is extremely cheap! I think the quality is not that bad, but who knows, I've only tried a few of their products. I'll write a review on these later, Im just so excited to buy something so much and for so cheap!

what I actually bought, cus they gave me a lot of free samples as well
- mascara
- blush
- matte lipstick (im currently obsessed with lipstick)
- shadow brush
- bronzer brush
- body scrub
all for $48!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

being married to a workaholic


I know I shouldnt be complaining, but heck, it really is. he gives me everything I wanted, literally anything I wanted. but wow, that doesnt even satisfy me. I only work part time, however, I am a full time student so I get home a lot earlier than Ny does. I would always look forward to see ny everyday, but almost everyday he doesnt get home til its really dark. then of course all we really do is eat and get ready to go to sleep. we only get to spend couple hours together each day. this is an everyday cycle for the past couple months already? Im not even certain anymore.
I love being with him, and he knows. I wish sometimes he put his work to aside and just forget his work for once. He sometimes goes to work early, always stay late, and even think about work on the weekends. wth?!
I know he loves me a lot, no less than how much I love him. but the thing he needs to realized is that his work is taking over him. he doesnt realized this yet, but I think its slowly killing me. I know hes not a bad husband, hes a great husband, but sometimes he doesnt understand what his wife thinks. even if she tells him exactly how she feels, he cant seem to comprehend it. he think by giving me those materialistic things will make me happy, but Ny, its only temporarily. yes, I like to buy stuff, who doesnt? I probably have some kind of mental disease where I need to buy buy all the time, but buying isnt even as satisfying as spending time with him. ... :/