Wednesday, June 29, 2011

memorial day weekend

yea... finally decided to not be lazy and post some pictures from memorial day weekend. that was like a month ago? dont remember.
I swear everyone was in vegas that weekend. I have friends, and friends of friends who were all there. and trying to meet everyone was a bitch too.
what better way to celebrate memorial day than vegas right? ha, not really, just as long as you get to spend time with the people you love. which sadden me a little, this was my third time in vegas this year without Ny. it's ok though, Im planning to go vegas again, just me and him, this August to celebrate our 2 year wedding anniversary :)
anyway, pictures say it all. went to vegas with just girls (although you might see a pic of a guy there, he was actually doing his own thing), party, eat, sleep, drink... etc. I actually didnt get to eat at any buffets this time. crazy right? I always have to go to at least one buffet every time I go to vegas! annnnd this was also my first time clubbing in vegas. to be honest, there's nothing spectacular about clubs in vegas; it's just like any clubs here in cali. to me clubs are not all that different, I just wanna dance so anywhere with music is great to me. and we went to marquee in cosmopolitan, a supposedly very hard club to get in... the ambient is nice, but again, it's just a club.
also, I would never go to vegas on a holiday again! the drive home was a bitch. it took me about 7 hrs (I did stop at the outlet) to get home when driving there, to vegas, took me less than 4 hrs. we spend most of the time being stuck in the dessert! luckily I rented a very nice roomy car. omg, imagine my little integra lolololol. im proud of myself though, I drove there and back all my by myself without stopping (except the outlet thingy)
anyway, didnt get to take too many pics since I forgot my camera most of the time. the high quality pics are from Cina's, and the low quality ones are from mine of course

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