Sunday, March 21, 2010

ok, so today was fairly simple, went out to eat baked doughnuts, hung out at the park for a bit, and had some Indian food. just that I've been so busy lately that I havent update in awhile. anyway, whats going on at this moment? I have mid-terms coming up this week and then spring break, yay!
unfortunately I feel fat lately. I know most people will slap me if they caught me saying that, but its true. I feel extremely heavy and dont have any motivation to doll myself up anymore. I feel like whats the point? my belly's gonna hang out anyway. sigh.... thanks to all the desert I've eaten this past couple months. but what the hey, at least I get to indulge and live the life. on another note, I will start running again. spring is already here and Im actually excited to exercise =D

I should dress up more going out, its a nice sunny california day after all!

baked doughnuts at a japanese doughnut shop. healthy & delicious!

didnt know my camera can take such cute pics =D

redondo beach, ca. I think???

Indian food. I was disappointed, the service was excellent, but the food was a bit ehh... plain

very pricey too, btw

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