Monday, March 29, 2010

museums in LA

saturday was quite a day. my friends and I went to three different museums on the same day! I was exhausted, but it seemed like two of my girls were really hyped up about this. its about time that my friends and I spend some quality time together. we have this unique bond; my friends are really close, yet we hardly ever see each other. that is also the reason why every time we do go out, we would set up the entire day for our friends date. so anyway, here are some pictures. I mostly took pictures from Museum of Natural History because I was exhausted as the day progressed. I didnt care about taking pictures anymore lol. all museums visited are located in LA. very bad traffic, but hey, what can we do? Im glad I dont live around there, I would pull my hair out every time Im on the freeway

Friday, March 26, 2010

I just had to post this cuz Ny is too funny. yesterday Ny and I went out to dinner, something we do regularly actually. we picked thai food cuz Ny promised me that he'll take me to this new Thai restaurant, Bai Plu, near CSULB since monday. well, the place has a nice ambient; dark, relaxing, and pretty friendly waiters/waitresses. I dont understand though, why are there so many thai restaurants fusion with sushi? this new Thai place we're eating is no exception. I really dont care for sushi, I was just there simply for Thai food. so anway, trying to save money, I only ordered one dish, muk kung prik. many of you probably have no idea what it is, but I think it is a fairly popular Thai dish. it consists of seafood, mainly squid, and stir fried in a very hot sauce accented with thai basil... delicious! after I decided what I want I headed to the bathroom thinking Ny would order what I wanted. well, when the food came, fried ice cream came first! OMG he is such a sweetie! he knew I wanted fried ice cream so he got one for me even without me asking. and also, I love my dessert first so he ordered dessert first for me hehe. then next came naked shrimps! haha I love this guy. I wanted naked shrimps also. I've always been in love with naked shrimps eversince I discover it. again, for those that have no idea what it is it's just raw shrimp salad, kinda like seviche but with minced lemon grass. then of course my muk kung prik came in as well. As I was enjoying the look of my food, I noticed Ny's dishes. WTH??! he ordered sunny side up eggs and soy sauce! lol this guy. he got pad-se-ew as well, but it looks like he enjoyed his eggs and soy sauce more haha. anyway, my overall experience there was so so-ok. I would like to go there again, but it is just a little pricey compare to other thai restaurants. the thing about it though, they got a huge variety of food that you can order. I think I'll go there again only when I have a lot of money to spend.

his eggs and soy sauce. I didnt have my camera at the time so I took it with my camera phone

Sunday, March 21, 2010

ok, so today was fairly simple, went out to eat baked doughnuts, hung out at the park for a bit, and had some Indian food. just that I've been so busy lately that I havent update in awhile. anyway, whats going on at this moment? I have mid-terms coming up this week and then spring break, yay!
unfortunately I feel fat lately. I know most people will slap me if they caught me saying that, but its true. I feel extremely heavy and dont have any motivation to doll myself up anymore. I feel like whats the point? my belly's gonna hang out anyway. sigh.... thanks to all the desert I've eaten this past couple months. but what the hey, at least I get to indulge and live the life. on another note, I will start running again. spring is already here and Im actually excited to exercise =D

I should dress up more going out, its a nice sunny california day after all!

baked doughnuts at a japanese doughnut shop. healthy & delicious!

didnt know my camera can take such cute pics =D

redondo beach, ca. I think???

Indian food. I was disappointed, the service was excellent, but the food was a bit ehh... plain

very pricey too, btw

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I think many girls, including me, absolutely love the invention of makeup. heck, I think it is the greatest invention ever! it bugs me when I watch some makeup tutorials in youtube and come across comments like "thank god I was born a guy..." and so on. dude, why did they sound like apply makeup is some kind of monotonous torture routine? As a girl, I think makeup is far more than fun, it's a hobby that many girls, like me, are obsessed about. call it an addiction? not really, just obsession. I love it to the point where I spend hundreds of dollars just to collect it rather than to use it. to think about it, I dont even use some of my makeup collection.
lets get to the point. I love makeup mainly cus I can actually alter my features in certain way. of course I dont do this on a daily basis, but for the fun of it you can actually enhance your features or subtle anything out you might not like. I think some people got it all wrong when they think girls who wear makeup can not go outside without it. heck, I sometime walk around the mall or any public places makeup-free all the time. though I prefer to have something on, I feel just as comfortable bare-skinned.
wearing makeup for me is a hobby, an obsessive hobby that I adore so much actually. I wish I have some kind of beauty education to better enhance my features and learn more tips and tricks from the experts. As of right now I can only do the most basic looks. with that being said, here's some pics I took along the way. I'll try to take more pics of myself with different kinds of makeup from now on just for the record

ok, I was going for that seductive look here. I guess I failed :/

my favorite work of art that I've done on myself. I was trying to go for the romantic look

I wanted to look somewhat casual and glamorous at the same time

I was trying to look fierce... eh.. with that cute pout, I dont think it's happening


I've decided to make this private blog into my fashion/makeup blog. it's not for anyone to subscribe, but rather, it's for my own personal viewing/reading pleasure as I get older. I noticed that my sense of style hasnt change much since I was in elementary school. I've always loved cardigans, stockings, knee high socks, and straight leg jeans. nowadays people wear skinny jeans, as for me, I still love straight legs. soooo to start it off, Im gonna post some pics of my style that I randomly take. I love my clothes so much I wanna wear all of them at the same time

Friday, March 5, 2010

sick on a friday?

must be kidding me.
I left work early today cuz couldnt take it anymore. My throat hurts, feeling dizzy, strangely cold on a nice sunny day, and I feel ache all over my body. At first I thought my throat hurts because of the many shrimp's shell I've swallowed that I ate at Boiling Crab this past couple days, but now I realized that Im just sick. ehh... I really cant afford to be sick right now. I have so many things to do and tests coming up next week.. ahhh! and I havent clean the house yet, especially my bathroom. I feel like a filthy human being cuz everything is so dirty! this neat freak girl will tries to clean even if she can barely get up from bed!