Friday, January 29, 2010

updates and some pictures from my wedding

well, as I was saying last time, I promised to upload some of my wedding pictures whenever I get a new laptop. yes, I got myself a sony vaio simply because it was pink. I now came to realized that I own so many pink stuff! my room used to be pink before I was married, my DSI case is also pink, my yearly planner is also pink (helly kitty of course!) and not to mention my closet is full of pink tops lol. Im actually not that much of a girly girl. I can be very tough at certain circumstances. so anyway, here are some of my wedding pics. as I titled it, "our arranged marriage" lol. if you take a look at our expression we dont seem to look very happy. of course its not that we didnt wanna get married, but as a cambodian tradition wedding it normally took three days. and ours was only 2 days and we were already exhausted. it was a very beautiful wedding; so many outfit changed, so many beautiful flowers, all of my relatives including ones from outer states are here, and best of all I get to spend the rest of my life with the man I love.

wedding |  rinä

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