Thursday, January 14, 2010

December 1st was my birthday. I am turning 26... :/
I didnt really do anything special this year cuz I decided to get braces instead. how is that relevant? well, my braces cost about $4,000 so I promise Ny that if he help me pay for it I wont ask for any gift on birthdays or any holidays until my braces are paid off. I guess he lived to my words. ta dah! I didnt get anything for my birthday or Christmas. Im not bitter though, I am happy enough to finally get something I wanted in a very long time. I think I look kinda cute with braces too hehe. sooo after I get a new laptop I will upload tons of pictures on here. Im just very lazy right now cuz I hate sitting on the computer too long.
other than that, Happy New Year! I know its late, but it's never too late to start new.. anything new.

Did I forget to mention? I am married now. again, I will post pictures of my wedding later. August 22, 2009 was the day Ny and I got married. fairly new, but I feel like I've been with this guy forever already. still love him more and more each day. I must admit, we are not compatible, but we believe that love conquer all.

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