Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Getty Villa for Narry's Birthday!

seems like I always have a lot of pictures to upload regardless if I have a camera or not haha!
well, Dec. 16 we took Narry to the Getty Villa in Malibu. When I say we I meant just me and Phishi. I was surprised that they never been there. It's a really lovely place, and I've been there twice already. What amazed me more was the architectural design of the museum itself. How many museum you can find that model after the real ROMAN HOME? not many right? so yea, The Getty Villa building was actually modeled after ancient Roman home. This alone already got my attention. Im not so interested in the statues since I already knew most of the history about it, haha. seems like Im bragging, but I kinda have to know because I am a history student. but overall I really appreciate the museum, definitely one of my favorites

Im glad they liked the Getty Villa. we're planning to go to The Getty Center in LA, but seems like everyone is busy except me :/The Getty Center is a bit different and more contemporary so I hope it wont disappoint them, but we'll see what happen. I love museums... who doesnt?

Im excited to touch him b/c we're not allowed to touch anything. but knowing me, I sneak out to touch everything I can

one of the most well preserved statues, Aphrodite. Im not a fan of her

looks like Socrates, but Im not sure since this is just a modern made statue around the fountain

Im guessing this stairs suppose to look like the Colosseum

one of my favorites room. you have to be there to really see that the entire room was elaborately decorated with colors, carved stones, columns etc.

dont I wish my garden look like this?

inside garden

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