Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Party 2010

it's that time of the year again. Christmas party at Ny's work that is. I usually never anticipated to go, but they have free food and open bar so what the heck, why not? Beside, Ny gets all upset if I dont go with him. I do like to dress up though. I bought a dress that I never wore so Im gonna use this advantage to dress up.

so here we are.. dressing and ready to go. I never liked the lighting in my room. for some reason it's not very flattering. it shows all flaws man!

the food. the portion isnt all that great, but the quality is pretty top notch. This year's party was at Down Town LA's Nick and Stef Steak House. Nice place, good food, and amazing view.

I like my prime rib bloody, almost raw. most people would cringe seeing how raw this is. to me? bomb stuff!

behind me were rows of MEAT! months old meat. how are they manage to keep them fresh? Idk. and how do I know they're months old? there are tags on each and every meat

dessert was alright. I was too busy enjoying my prime rib

see what I mean amazing view? never knew LA looked this beautiful at night

what a night. I knew I should have taken advantage of the open bar. damnit, I wasnt even the driver

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