Sunday, November 7, 2010

salsa dance party+four loko night

friday, that was when Ny and I went to my salsa party. I got all dressed up, Ny was actually practicing salsa moves couple days before, and we were ready, but turned out we didnt even stayed at the salsa party for that long. As soon as we got to school, my friends who were suppose to be there first texted me that they were leaving already. wthfghjk!! they were bored so they wanted to go clubbing instead. and yes, that was exactly what we did that night. Im so thankful though, there were no drama anymore at the club. every time my friends and I go clubbing, someone had to babysit someone. damn drunkies. I've always been good with my drinks, but apparently not everyone is the same. anyway, Im thankful for that night. It was fun but tiring.

so after clubbing, Narry and I decided to finally drink four loko. I heard that they will ban the drink soon so I had to experience how horrible it is lol. and yep, it's definitely a different kind of buzz than the rest of the alcohol. It is an energy drink+alcohol so it's an upper and a downer. I was pretty buzzed with that one can, but I did had couple drinks at the club earlier. and while I was buzzed, I did not feel sleepy at all. I actually stayed up the whole night O_O . so anyway, I would NEVER EVER pull an all nighter again. It felt so horrible. I was extremely tired and not to mention my face looked like a zombie.... x__x


  1. bored at a salsa party? you must have lame friends! haha. ive been to a few salsa clubs here in arizona and i must say, even though i have a heavy foot, i can still hang with the rest of them latin people!

    anyways isnt the four loko like a vodka redbull?

  2. I know! how do you get bored at a salsa dance? and yea, four loko is like a cocaine in a can
