Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I just finished this book today and WOW! I was drifted away. I never knew I could have so much emotions while reading. I mean, I know I have a lot of vivid imaginations, but this book really lift my feet off. Im not at doing reviews, but I encourage everyone or just anyone to pick this book up if they can. It is dark, mysterious, and scary. I sometimes couldnt fall asleep because I was scared. I was scared of my own imagination really.

The story is a bout a boy, Daniel, who discovered a book and decided to investigate about the author, Julian Carax. Daniel then later learned that the author faced many tragedies in life that also connected to his as well. this book is a tragedy about "murder, doomed love, and friendship." after I finished the book I didnt wanna start reading my next novel. I wanna make sure I fully sip the story into my head first before I forget. yes, it is that good!

well, that is pretty much my update. didnt do anything productive recently. Im kinda done with my room decorating. It didnt turn out how I wanted, didnt look too resort-ish but more like a modern feng shui design. went to the beach again trying to get some tan. I didnt tan. but whatever I had fun. camera is on the verge of going into the trashcan right now cus I couldnt really take anymore pic. below is the best I could capture. I cant even tell whether it was turn on or off, its that bad.. tsk tsk

california beach.. <3

Friday, July 16, 2010

what a nice summer so far.. I had so much to do, actually been very busy lately but definitely not tiring at all. I was busy, yes, but all voluntarily. Went to 2 weddings, 2 bonfires, work, trying to squeeze some time with both Ny's and my family, catch all the movies I wanted to see, and the summer finally feels like summer! I love it, I love the 80 something degrees this past couple days.

so I supposedly in the middle of my novel, The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, but I have no intention of reading it. The book is fantastic; dark, mysterious, scary, and heart warming. Once I start reading it Im hooked, but when I put it down I drift into my room re-decorating mode. thats all I think about right now actually, just re-decorating my room. I know women get bored easily, but I get bored even faster than most women. I constantly redecorating my room. Right now I want a resort style to my room; I wanna feel like Im on vacation everyday! after all, it is summer! I got some stuff set, but so far I feel like Im spending too much already. I wanna show off, but who's gonna come in and stare at my masterpiece?? I have a keen sense of interior designing and I sure am proud of it :)

well, these are some pics from the last bonfire. the pics didnt come from my camera so I dont have too many. in the meanwhile I'll go start with my decoration again... now where's that power drill??? and damn, that thing is heavy!

mini grill that Narry and I assembled!

bbq.. drunk at the beach.. awesome!