Friday, June 19, 2009


I just discovered a new Mall in the LA area recently. Im not really surprised that the mall itself is very nice. There is an expensive section, which is too far for my reach. and a "normal" section for us regular folks. I have to say, the place is quite a view. Im mean, there is no large beautiful landscape or anything, but the architecture and the ambient is so California, not the beachy california, but a different kind of california. I love going new places =D

Monday, June 15, 2009

June 8, 2009

just after I got off work that day, I received a call from the staff of Hoover Middle School telling me that my brother got into an accident. The lady seemed to be in more of a panic than I was. I was shocked and wondering what kind of accident, it turned out, and as I expected, he injured himelf by break dancing. I was soooo worried. They said he broke his arm; compound fracture. I dont even know what compound fracture means. So, I wen to the hospital and waited for him at the ER. Goodness gracious, it took 12 hours to finish everything. My brother was fine, he did broke two bones, unable to use his arm for awhile but he was fine. He had to stay at the hospital for 2 days though and missed the last week of school. it sucked, but at least he was able to attend his 8th grade graduation. As of right now, hes still somewhat handicap cause hes not suppose to pick anything up heavy. Im glad though, thank god. I was able to smile again this week, finally!

this is a pic of us; my family <3

Friday, June 5, 2009


not much to say. the pictures say it all.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

kl meet

what an interesting day. june 2nd was also my dad's bday but unfortunately I didnt do anything for him, not even a small present. oh well, I owe him. I'll take him out to dinner and get him his gift later. this woman is dead broke. every year she took them( my parents) to somewhere nice but not this year, i need a rest; because seriously, I feel like I work too hard to keep them happy. Im just not the selfish kind who only take pleasure in my own happiness.

soooo kl meet was also on the same night. I'd never thought I meet so many KL members at once. As it turned out, the meet went quite well. Everything was so chilled and relaxing, though I was a bit sleepy for some odd reason. I usually go to bed around 12 or so on my regular nights. well anyway, we ate at Niko Niko sushi bar. I never fancy sushi in the beginning, maybe once in a blue moon, but certainly not last night. Ny and I share a plate but somehow I couldnt manage to finish it either. the most awesome thing about that place was probably tempura ice cream! goodness gracious how i love tempura ice cream =D. Overall it was one hell of a night. I was extremely tired but I laugh the whole time cause the guys were so funny! there were only two girls which is me and Leah. to cut this short we continue our night at Dave & buster's. didnt do much there, just talk and drink. I didnt drink though cause I had to work the next day. Alchohol was never my thing anyway, I am though definitely not a light weight. but anyway, so many KL meet this summer! but still looking for more hehe =)