Wednesday, February 23, 2011

new year, new hair, new lifestyle...

so much to do, so little time. no, not really, I have all the time in the world. I just been very busy lately so this is a cumulative blog. It's everything from a lot of different events up to what I did recently (last week). went to two different birthday parties with completely different type of people, went to my first concert (FAR EAST MOVEMENT), and got a new hair style.. yay! actually it's not really new since I've alway had this hair but I have extensions now so it appears longer. I love it!

being a camera whore just to show how much I love my hair. Your hair can really shaped up your face. I think I look a lot younger too!

at Tina's birthday party with Ny. We hardly take pictures together. I love my makeup here. yes, thats a lot of maekup because I use a lot of bronzer. I pretty much covered myself in bronzer from head to toe ( I was trying to look like sand)

my wine girlies. we have a thing for wine recently :P

So the party has a theme, Under the sea, and apparently no one got dressed up but the birthday girl, Leah, and I. If you cant tell, Tina was a mermaid, Leah was a seaweed, and I am just sand lol. Ny said I look funny here. maybe cus when I smile you cant see my eyes anymore O_O

you can tell that I dont really care for group picture...

I shouldnt have post this up, oh well haha

Tina is hella hot in her costume.

this guy doesnt belong with us. I dont know him!

I was not drunk I swear, I was the most sober one


so this was when I went to see Far East Movement performing at Sevilla in Long Beach. What should I say with this... I was thrilled and pissed off at the same time. I was thrilled because FM guys were so amazing, but I was pissed off because some stupid girls were bugging me... AND I got yelled by the bouncer because I pushed that girl out of my way. Ok, I wasnt trying to be a bully, if anything the two girls were bullies. They came to the front, where I was, pushing everyone around them. Of course my friends and I are not happy about it and we start to argue with those girls. then what happened? the bouncers did shit even though everyone around us told on him that the girls are cutting people off. Towards the end of the night when I had enough, I push the girl while she was taking pictures and I got yelled at! uuurgh I know I was being feisty, but come on, my friends and I are not a bunch of passive little Asian girls. We might be small, but we'll defend ourselves. dammit, blogging about this pissed me off again. The bouncer was so not fair! cut it short, I was pissed off and happy at the same time. I am not a fan of today's music, but there's something about FM's music that makes me happy

with Phisi. didnt take too many pictures cus we were feeling kinda awdward. too many younger kids (18+ night)

Phishi and Narry

we were right in the pit, thats why there are so much commotions. uuurgh.. so many girls are in love with these guys!


I dont know why I upload this... just having lunch with the girls. they keep calling me a hippie..


Getting ready for my friend's birthday

at a lounge in Hollywood-- Libertine. the place is surprisingly relaxing for a lounge

my high school girls. me, Ngim, and Dee <3

someone bought her a cake.

I think she looks like Tila teqilla but waaaay hotter